Welcome to the Website of Zelda A link to the future

vendredi 17 avril 2009

The work continue

I'm trying to construct all the road to a new land where lie the sword that Link wants to save Hyrule. I have finished a new town : Greenside.

Français ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Je poursuis la construction de la route menant au pays où Link devar trouver l'épée capable de détruire la Triforce. Voici deux images du village de Greenside où Link devra s'arrêter penadnt son voyage.

2 commentaires:

  1. this sounds awesome. I like what I've seen. Awesome concept & awesome follow through so far... Keep up the awesome work!!!!

  2. Thank you very much !!! You can be sure that I will continue my work (when my exams will be finished in July!)
