Welcome to the Website of Zelda A link to the future

mercredi 8 avril 2009

The construction of the chapter 2 has begun...

I have a lot of ideas to make a cool playing area outside of Hyrule !!! That will
be great... but I will need some weeks to do this job.

français ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J'ai commencé la réalisation du pays situé hors d'Hyrule. Ca va être bien ! J'ai
un tas d'idées pour rendre tout ça plaisant à jouer !
En tout cas, il me faudra plusieurs semaines pour terminer ce chapitre.

5 commentaires:

  1. Hello again I xd.
    We wanted to say that please look at my videos i would you say to me that if you like my hacks i can not copy and paste the link so i can see.

  2. Has anything else you want to say look at this guide will serve you very helpful in Hyrule Magic

  3. Thank you for the guide. I knew his existence but I wasn't able to download it !

    Concerning your project, it's very interesting ! I really like the "bone" sanctuary lol ! You have a lot of good ideas in your hacks !

  4. if you want we can work together in a hack?

  5. Thank ! Maybe it can be good !
    You think of what ?
